Csi Project Resource Manual

The Construction Specifications Institute. The Project Resource Manual: CSI Manual of Practice. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005. The Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably inferable from them as being necessary to produce the indicated results. Project Resource Manual The CSI Manualof Practice 5/E (EBOOK) CSI Manual of Practice, 5th Edition 5th Edition by The Construction Specifications Institute and Publisher McGraw-Hill Education (Professional). Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 462, 007177646X. First published in 1967, the CSI Manual of Practice has been recognized as the standard for project manual preparation and administration. The authoritative resource for the organization, preparation, use, and interpretation of construction documents encompassing the entire life cycle of a facility.

  1. Csi Project Resource Manual Pdf
  2. The Project Resource Manual Csi Manual Of Practice Free Pdf
  3. Project Resource Manual Csi Manual Of Practice Pdf
  4. The Project Resource Manual Csi Manual Of Practice 5th Edition
  5. Csi Project Resource Manual Free Pdf


This is the leading reference on the organization, preparation, and use of construction information and the only one to cover the construction process from planning and design to construction administration. It details the basic practices involved in project delivery systems, cost estimating, construction documents, and code appliance. This new edition expands that scope to include information on project conception and project representation., This material, combined with a full complement of documents, contracts, and forms, makes this the single most comprehensive practice reference in the construction industry.


Csi Project Resource Manual Pdf

ModuleThe CSI Sustainable Design and Construction Practice GuideThe Poisoner's HandbookCSI Manual of PracticeThe Project Resource Manual (PRM): CSI Manual of Practice, 5th EditionConstruction SpecificationsInterior Design Reference ManualThe CSI Construction Product Representation Practice GuideStandard Industrial Classification.

CSI Manual of Practice: the standard for project manual preparation and administration!

Let The Project Resource Manual, CSI Manual of Practice, help improve your practice or company today!

Csi Project Resource ManualCsi

The Project Resource Manual (PRM) - CSI Manual of Practice is an authoritative reference for the preparation, organization, use, and interpretation of construction documents that encompasses the entire life cycle of a facility. This new edition considers the need for interdependent processes of construction, design and facility use. Filled with helpful and practical solutions, this new edition expands the scope of the manual to meet the requirements of all participants involved in a construction project in a stage-by-stage progression, including A/Es, design-builders, owners, construction managers, contractors, product representatives, attorneys, financial institutions, regulatory authorities, and facility managers. This text promotes a team model for successful implementation. 1,200 pp. Includes a CD-ROM.

Used universally throughout the construction industry, The Project Resource Manual is the ideal tool to help you:

The Project Resource Manual Csi Manual Of Practice Free Pdf


Project Resource Manual Csi Manual Of Practice Pdf

  • Prepare accurate and enforceable specifications applying the CSI/CSC’s UniFormat(tm), MasterFormat(tm), SectionFormat(tm), and PageFormat(tm) for clear, concise, correct, and complete contract documents
  • Effectively administer construction contracts
  • Improve communications among project participants
  • Utilize project resources for effective facility management
  • Coordinate, interpret, and enforce contract documents
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of the four project teams: owner, design, contractor, and supplier
  • Determine the most appropriate project delivery method
  • Understand the design process and product selection
  • Plan for existing facility improvements and modifications

The Project Resource Manual Csi Manual Of Practice 5th Edition

The Project Resource Manual (PRM) - Table of Contents:

Csi Project Resource Manual Free Pdf

  • Module 1: Introduction
  • Module 2: Project Conception
  • Module 3: Project Delivery
  • Module 4: Design
  • Module 5: Construction Documents
  • Module 6: Bidding/Negotiating/Purchasing
  • Module 7: Construction
  • Module 8: Facility Management
  • Appendices