Excel Shortcut For Highlighting Row

The keyboard shortcut to select the last used cell on a sheet is: Ctrl + End No matter where you start from in your worksheet, Ctrl + End will take you to the intersection of the last used column and last used row. The shortcut to select highlight in excel 2013 for windows is Alt H + H (hold down ALT and tap H twice). Probably works on other versions with the ribbon. This works well for highlighting rows too, just use the shortcut to select a row in Excel - Shift + Space Bar, followed by the highlight shortcut (Alt + H + H) Share. Improve this answer.

  • To highlight entire rows with conditional formatting when a value meets specific criteria, use a formula with a mixed reference that locks the column. In the example shown, all rows where the owner is 'bob' are highlighted with the following formula applied to B5:E12.
  • The first method is not the standard keyboard shortcut, rather a way to control the ribbon with a keyboard. In this method, you press Left Alt, release the button, then press the H button twice. It won’t highlight a cell but will open the menu, where you will be able to.

Excel Shortcuts for selecting Rows Columns and Cells

Jump to: Navigation Basics, Select Basics, Select Columns and Rows, Insert Rows, Columns and Duplicate Content, Duplicate Content, Extend Selection Mode and select non-adjacent Cells, Shortcuts for Editing Cells, Edit Cells with Multiple Cells Selected

Excel Shortcut For Highlighting Row

Arrow Keys

Navigate one cell at a time in any direction

Ctrl+Arrow Keys

Move to the edge of data region (cells that contains data)

Page Down/Page Up

Move one screen down/ up

Alt+Page Down/Page Up

Move one screen right/ left


Move one cell to the next/ previous cell in worksheet


Move to beginning of row


Move to the beginning of worksheet


Move to the last cell with content of worksheet


Display the GoTo dialog box

Ctrl+G then type e.g. A50

Go to line 50, Column A

Ctrl+G then type e.g. G1

Go to column G, Line 1 in Excel


Set focus back to active cell after e.g. scrolling away from it

Shift+Arrow Keys

Extend selection by one cell

Shift+Page Down/Page Up

Extend selection one screen down/ up

Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Keys

Extend selection to next non-blank cell


Extend selection to beginning of the row (unfortunately, there is no Shift+End equivalent)

Ctrl+A with empty cells around current cell

Select all

Ctrl+A with filled cells around current cell

Select all cells inExtend Selection' texts at in Excel Status Bar. Press Escape to exit Extend Selection MOde


Enter Locked Selection Extend Mode. Now you can add non-adjacent cells to a selection. There is an 'Add or Remove Selection' text at bottom of Excel Window

Shift+F8, then click on cells or click+drag cell ranges

Add non-adjacent cells or ranges to locked selection

Shift+F8, then Arrow Keys, then 2x Shift+F8 on a single cell

Add non-adjacent single cells to locked selection

Shift+F8, then Arrow Keys, then Shift+Arrow Keys, then 1x Shift+F8 selected range.

Add non-adjacent cell ranges to locked selection

These assume you are inside a cell, typically after pressing F2



Edit cell. Press Escape to cancel

F2, then Shift+Home

Select Cell Content. Selects from current end of cursor to beginning


Jump to beginning/ end of cell

Arrow Keys

Navigate by one character left/ right or one line up/ down

Ctrl+Arrow Left/Arrow Right

Navigate by one word left/ right

Shift+Arrow Keys

Select one character to the left/ right (or one line up/down)


Select from the insertion point to beginning/ end of cell

Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow Right

Select or unselect one word to the left/ right


Delete one character to the right/ left of cursor


Delete from cursor to end of cell


Start a new line inside cell


Complete cell entry and move one cell down/ up


Complete cell entry and move one cell right/ left


Complete cell entry and don't move selection


Duplicate value from Cell above into current cell at cursor position


Insert current date at cursor position


Insert current time at cursor position

All these shortcuts assume multipe cells have been selected. Try with at least 2-3 columns and rows.

Excel Shortcut Highlight Whole Row


Move active cell right/ left in selection


Move active cell down/ up in selection


Select only the active cell when multiple cells are selected


Show active cell within selection; helps with large selections when active cell is off screen


Move clockwise between the four courners of a selection

Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Right/Arrow Left

Move to the right/ to the left between non-adjacent selections (with multiple ranges selected)

Arrow Keys with active Selection

Cancel Selection

Shortcut For Highlighting Row In Excel

Excel Shortcut For Highlighting Row

Created by max on 12/18/2020. Last updated by max on 1/14/2021

Excel Shortcut Format Row Height

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