- Gps Coordinate Conversion Formula Calculator
- Gps Coordinate Conversion Formula For Distance
- Gps Coordinate Conversion Formula For Miles
- Jan 07, 2018 Some apps use decimal format (48.85833) while others return the coordinates in degrees, minutes and seconds (48°51'29.99'). In this article I will show you how to convert from one format to the other and vice-versa. Add GPS coordinates to address. If you are looking to add GPS coordinates to your address, please go to this page.
- Coordinates format is the pair of latitude and longitude, with sign minus (-) for the direction south latitude and west longitude separate by comma symbol (,), here some example: 52.5163, 13.37, -73.9816.
Online UTM to Latitude Longitude converter
GPS Coordinates Converter is a tool to convert gps coordinates to address and convert address to lat long. You can use the lat long converter to locate an address, latitude and longitude on a map for navigation purposely or if your gps navigation system is giving you a lat long and you need to convert. . Part 2, Formulas, (this document), provides a detailed explanation of formulas necessary for executing coordinate conversions and transformations using the coordinate operation methods supported in the EPSG Dataset. Geodetic parameters in the Dataset are consistent with these formulas. When using a hand held GPS for instance, you may have to use the information and convert it to or from what a GIS map displays. We have created this series of converters to take degrees, minutes and seconds and convert them to decimal degrees or degrees and decimal minutes.
Convert from UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator - coordinates to latitude and longitude coordinates.
*) Based on the WGS84 Datum - the calculator is valid for the northern hemisphere.
In the UTM coordinate system a grid is used to specify locations on the surface of the Earth. The UTM system is not a single map projection but instead a series of sixty zones. Each zone is based on a specifically defined secant Transverse Mercator projection. The units for both east and north coordinates are meters.
The UTM north coordinate is the projected distance from equator for all zones. The east coordinate is the distance from the central median.
European Reference System - ETRS89
Note that the World Geodetic System WGS84 and the European Reference System ETRS89 are virtually identical and that coordinate transformation between the two systems in practical navigation is unnecessary. However, for high-precision surveying work - be aware that the two systems deviates more than half a meter.
Convert a List of UTM Coordinates
You can use the tool below to convert a list of many UTM coordinate points to their latitude and longitude values.
Replace the coordinates below with a comma separated (CSV) list with one UTM point on every line. Click 'Convert!' to add latitude and longitude to the coordinates.
Note! - keep the first line in the text box untouched. if the converter outputs strange coordinates - check the sequence of input values (north first).
Copy the list with the latitude and longitude values and paste it into a spreadsheet, a text editor - or whatever you prefer - for further processing.
Tip! - If you have a csv list (or file) where the sequence of the input coordinates are in wrong order - open the csv list (or file) in a spreadsheet - move the columns with the coordinates to the right position according the required sequence - save the spreadsheet as a new csv file - open the csv file in a simple text editor - copy and paste the list into the input field above - Convert! The converter is valid for the northern hemisphere.
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Related Documents
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- Convert between Polar and Cartesian Coordinates - Cartesian and Polar coordinate converting
- Distance between Two 3D Points - Distance between two points in a three dimension coordinate system - online calculator
- Latitude and Longitude Converter - Convert between Degrees, Minutes and Seconds and Decimal Units (or vice versa)
- Minutes to Decimal Hours - Converting minutes to descimal hours
- Minutes to Degrees Converting Chart - Convert from minutes to degrees
- Solar Radiation - Daily Surface Energy - Daily surface energy from solar radiation
Tag Search
- en: utm coordinates latitude longitude
- es: coordenadas UTM latitud y longitud
- de: UTM-Koordinaten Breite Länge
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One note of caution is reflected in Richard Koolish's message below.Depending on the geodetic datum used, your results vary when performing coordinatesystem transformations. Chuck Gantz's C source listed below allows you to selectwhich datum you wish to perform the conversion in; and even handles the Swiss Grid.
Perhaps the best source code to steal/utilize is the free MacGPS source which ison Peter Bennet's GPS Resource site.It has routines to translate to and from UTM, Lat/Lon, ITM, OSGB, UPS, etc. People haveported MacGPS to LINUX/Windows/NT and other inferior operating systems, so you can findplenty of source code to work with based on MacGPS.
Gps Coordinate Conversion Formula Calculator
If all you need to do is run the calculations between geographic (lat/long) and UTMcoordinates, then use either the Lotus 1-2-3 / Excel spreadsheet below, or:
- GeoConverter for the Macintosh ($5)
- Conversion Applet from WiS
The Coordinate System Overview is an exellent overview of why various coordinate systems and datumsexist.
The book that should be on every coordinate system programmer's shelf is:
This text as well as a list of other 'required reading' in GPS and cartography can be foundin the GPS Bibliography.
I welcome contributions and additions to this page via e-mail at: karengpsy.com. However, due to my full-time jobsas a Macintosh GPS systems developer and sociocultural anthropologist, I am unableto provide much assistance beyond what is already covered on this page. I wouldsuggest posting to the newsgroups or hiring a consultant (in which case I wouldbe available: my time is your time if my time is your money).
For information on transformations to other grid systems:
- New Zealand Map Grip from Land Information New Zealand, the official mapping agency of NZ
My original posting to sci.geo.geology & sci.geo.satellite-nav
Other Sites
- WiS -- excellent Java based coordinator converter
- Peter Dana's (U-Texas) Coordinate Systems Overview
- John Banta's Coordinate Conversion Home Page
- Bob Burtch's Links to Coordinates, Datums and Transformationc
- NIMA Publications On Geodesy And Geophysics -- US Military Mapping Agency
- New Zealand Map Grid information by Norris Weimer
- EPS v. 0.5 -- Java based datum/ellipsoid calculations
- Henry Baker's FTP Directory -- in particular, see FAQ-lat-long.txt
- List of Reference Ellipsoids from Peter Dana
- A Practical Guide to GPS / UTM by Don Bartlett
- GeoSoft--software for geologists, geosciences, and environmental engineering
- European MapRef -- Map projection reference
- European (German) Geodetic Calculations Online
- Relationship between NAD83 and WGS84
Gps Coordinate Conversion Formula For Distance
Gps Coordinate Conversion Formula For Miles
Copyright (C) 1996-2000 by Karen Nakamura. All rights reserved.This page was created on October 9th, 1996 and last updated on June 22, 2000.We've had hits since we relocated on April 8th, 1997.